Can Foreigners Buy Property in Phuket

Phuket, known for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture, has become a popular destination for foreigners looking to invest in property. However, before diving into the real estate market, it’s essential to understand can foreigners buy property in phuket.

Can Foreigners Buy Property in Phuket

As an expert in the field, I’ll guide you through the key points you need to know.

1. Condominiums:

Foreigners are allowed to own condominiums in Phuket. According to the Condominium Act of Thailand, up to 49% of the total floor area of a condominium can be owned by foreigners. This means that as long as the foreign quota has not been fully utilized, you can purchase a condo in Phuket in your name. It’s important to note that the remaining 51% must be owned by Thai nationals or Thai companies.

2. Land Ownership:

When it comes to owning land in Phuket, the rules are slightly more restrictive for foreigners. Thai law prohibits foreigners from owning land directly, with a few exceptions. However, there are legal structures such as long-term leases and setting up a Thai Limited Company that allow foreigners to indirectly own land. It’s crucial to seek professional advice when considering these options, as they come with certain requirements and obligations.

Can Foreigners Buy Property in Phuket
Can Foreigners Buy Property in Phuket

3. Leasehold Options:

One popular option for foreigners looking to invest in Phuket is to secure a long-term leasehold on a property. According to Thai law, a leasehold can be up to 30 years, with the possibility of extending it to a total of 90 years. This provides a secure and legal way for foreigners to enjoy a property in Phuket for an extended period, while also having the option to sell the leasehold to another party in the future.

4. Thailand’s BOI Promotion:

Thailand’s Board of Investment (BOI) offers various incentives to foreign investors, including those in the real estate sector. Through the BOI promotion, foreigners can obtain ownership of land through their investment in specific industries and meet certain criteria. This allows for greater flexibility and opportunities when it comes to property ownership in Phuket.

Understanding Property Ownership Restrictions

When it comes to investing in property in Phuket as a foreigner, it’s important to understand the ownership restrictions in place. While owning a condominium is relatively straightforward for foreigners, owning land can be more challenging.

According to Thai law, foreigners are prohibited from owning land directly. However, there are alternative options available that allow for indirect ownership. Let’s take a closer look at these restrictions and the potential ways to navigate them:

  1. Condominium Ownership: Foreigners are allowed to own condominium units in Phuket, subject to certain conditions. The law states that the total foreign ownership in a condominium building cannot exceed 49% of the total floor area. This means that if the foreign ownership quota has already been reached, you may need to explore other options for property ownership.
  2. Long-Term Lease: One option for foreigners looking to have more control over land is to enter into a long-term lease agreement. Thai law permits leases of up to 30 years, with the option to renew for an additional two terms, bringing the total lease duration to 90 years. This can provide a sense of security and allow for long-term investment in Phuket.
  3. Thai Limited Company: Another common approach for foreigners is to set up a Thai Limited Company to indirectly own land. By establishing a company under Thai law, the company can hold ownership of the land, while the foreign individual holds ownership of the company. However, it’s important to note that this option requires careful consideration and consultation with legal experts to ensure compliance with the law.

    Can Foreigners Buy Property in Phuket
    Can Foreigners Buy Property in Phuket
  4. Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) Promotion: In certain cases, foreigners investing in specific sectors approved by the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) can be eligible for land ownership. This option is available for projects that promote economic development and meet specific requirements set by the BOI. It’s worth noting that this avenue may require additional paperwork and investment capital.

While foreign ownership of land in Phuket is limited, there are viable options for foreigners to invest in property. Understanding the restrictions and exploring alternative routes such as condominium ownership, long-term leases, setting up a Thai Limited Company, or seeking BOI promotion can provide opportunities for foreigners looking to invest in the vibrant real estate market of Phuket.

When it comes to buying property in Phuket, Thailand, foreign investors need to be aware of the legal restrictions in place. While foreigners are not allowed to own land directly, there are several legal options available that allow for indirect ownership.

1. Condominium Ownership

One of the most popular legal options for foreigners is to own a condominium. The Thailand Condominium Act allows foreigners to own up to 49% of the total unit area in any registered condominium building. This means that as long as the majority of units are owned by Thai nationals, foreigners can purchase a condo unit in their own name.

Can Foreigners Buy Property in Phuket
Can Foreigners Buy Property in Phuket

2. Long-Term Leases

Another option for foreigners is to enter into a long-term lease agreement for land. Thai law allows for leases of up to 30 years, with an option to renew for an additional 30 years. This provides foreign investors with long-term security and allows them to legally possess and use the land.

3. Thai Limited Company

Setting up a Thai Limited Company is another legal avenue for foreigners to indirectly own land in Phuket. Under Thai law, a company can own land if at least 51% of the company’s shares are held by Thai nationals. This allows foreign investors to own the remaining 49% and have control over the company’s assets, including the land.

4. Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) Promotion

The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) offers incentives for certain types of investments, including property development. Foreigners who meet the requirements set by the BOI can obtain a permit to own land for specific business purposes. This option allows for full ownership of land and can be an attractive option for foreign investors looking to invest in large-scale property development projects.

While direct ownership of land in Phuket is prohibited for foreigners, there are legal options available that allow for indirect ownership. Whether through condominium ownership, long-term leases, setting up a Thai Limited Company, or taking advantage of BOI promotions, foreign investors can still enjoy the benefits of investing in property in Phuket.

Finding the Right Property in Phuket

When it comes to buying property in Phuket as a foreigner, it’s crucial to find the right property that suits your needs and preferences. With so many options available, it’s important to consider a few key factors before making a decision. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect property in Phuket:

  1. Location: Phuket offers a wide range of locations, each with its own unique charm and characteristics. Whether you prefer a property near the beach, in the bustling city center, or tucked away in a quiet area, you’ll find plenty of options to choose from. Consider what amenities and attractions are important to you and choose a location that aligns with your lifestyle.
  2. Property Type: Phuket offers a diverse range of property types to cater to different preferences. From luxurious beachfront villas to modern condominiums, there’s something for everyone. Think about your budget, preferences, and long-term goals when deciding on the type of property you want to invest in.
  3. Budget: Determine your budget for buying property in Phuket. Take into account any additional costs such as taxes, legal fees, and maintenance expenses. It’s important to be realistic about your budget to ensure that you can comfortably afford the property without straining your finances.
  4. Legal Considerations: As a foreigner, it’s important to understand the legal requirements and restrictions when buying property in Phuket. Familiarize yourself with the available options for indirect ownership, such as owning a condominium or setting up a Thai Limited Company. Consulting with a reputable lawyer who specializes in Thai property law is highly recommended to ensure a smooth and legally compliant purchase process.
  5. Engage with Professionals: To navigate the Phuket property market effectively, consider working with local real estate agents and property professionals who have extensive knowledge and experience in the area. They can provide valuable insights, guide you through the buying process, and help you find the best property options that meet your criteria.

Finding the right property in Phuket requires careful consideration and research. By taking the time to explore different locations, property types, and engaging with professionals, you’ll be well on your way to finding your dream property in this tropical haven. Now, let’s move on to the next section to discuss the legal processes involved in buying property in Phuket.

Considerations Before Buying Property in Phuket

When considering buying property in Phuket as a foreigner, there are several important factors that need to be taken into consideration. It’s crucial to understand the legal requirements and restrictions in order to make an informed decision. Here are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

1. Legal restrictions and regulations: Foreigners are generally prohibited from owning land in Thailand. However, there are legal ways to secure property, such as leasehold agreements and owning a condominium. It is essential to understand the legal restrictions and regulations before proceeding with any property purchase.

2. Location: Phuket offers a wide range of areas to choose from, each with its own unique features and advantages. It’s important to consider the location carefully and choose an area that aligns with your lifestyle, preferences, and expectations. Whether you prefer a bustling tourist hub or a quiet beachside retreat, Phuket has something for everyone.

3. Property type: Phuket offers a diverse selection of property types, ranging from luxurious villas to stylish condominiums. Consider the type of property that suits your needs and preferences. Do you prefer a low-maintenance apartment or a spacious house? Understanding your requirements will help you narrow down your options and find the perfect property.

4. Budget: Establishing a budget is a crucial step in the property buying process. Determine how much you are willing to invest in your Phuket property and consider additional costs such as maintenance fees, taxes, and legal fees. It’s important to be realistic and ensure that your budget aligns with your desired property type and location.

5. Engaging with professionals: Buying property in a foreign country can be a complex process, so it’s essential to engage with professionals who are knowledgeable about the local market and legal requirements. Consider consulting with a reputable real estate agent who specializes in Phuket properties and a Thai property lawyer who can guide you through the legal aspects of the transaction.

By carefully considering these factors and taking the necessary steps, you can make an informed decision when buying property in Phuket. It’s important to thoroughly research and seek professional advice to ensure a smooth and successful property purchase. Remember, finding the right property in Phuket is a significant investment, and it’s worth taking the time to make the right decision.


Buying property in Phuket as a foreigner can be a rewarding and exciting endeavor. However, it is crucial to approach the process with caution and thorough research. Understanding the legal restrictions and regulations, as well as the different property types and locations, is essential for a successful purchase.

Setting a budget and engaging with professionals such as real estate agents and property lawyers can provide valuable guidance and ensure a smooth transaction. These experts have the knowledge and experience to navigate the complexities of the local market and help you make informed decisions.

Remember, thorough research and seeking professional advice are key to minimizing risks and maximizing the potential benefits of buying property in Phuket. By taking the time to educate yourself and work with trusted professionals, you can confidently navigate the process and find the perfect property for your needs.

So, if you’re considering investing in property in Phuket, take the necessary steps to ensure a successful purchase. With careful planning and the right support, you can make your dream of owning property in this beautiful part of the world a reality.

Lisa Boonmee
About the author
Lisa Boonmee
I am passionate about unveiling the hidden gems of Phuket, from its stunning beaches to its vibrant cultural scene. My extensive travels across the island have given me a deep appreciation for its unique beauty and rich history, which I love sharing with our readers.